Questions that an employer may ask during an interview.
- Describe your present job responsibilities. Which are the most difficult and why? Which are the most enjoyable?
- What accomplishment in your present job are you most proud of? What was your best idea (Regardless of implementation.)
- What would you have liked to accomplish, but haven’t, in your present job? What prevented you from doing so?
- What strengths and weaknesses would you bring to this position?
- What do you know about our company and this position?
- What would it take to succeed in this position?
- What elements are important to your job satisfaction and that of your subordinate’s?
- Describe what qualifications would make an ideal boss in this position?
- What are your short and long term career objectives?
- What are the biggest frustrations in your career?
- What might your present company and department do to become more successful?
- What are your hobbies and interests? Are they useful to your career or in balancing the rest of your life?
- How would you describe your associates? How would your associates describe you?
- How do your spouse and children feel about this possible change?
- Why are you leaving your present career?
- Why should we hire you?
- How good is your health?
- Can you work under deadlines, pressure, etc…
- What is your philosophy on management?
- Do you prefer staff or line work? Why?
- What features of your previous job did you dislike?