Recruiting Process

To enable us to successfully recruit candidates the recruiting process must be addressed.  The following points are necessary and will result in finding the best candidates for the desired position.  All aspects of the recruitment process are handled on a professional confidential basis. An average search process can be completed within 30-45 days.

Position Analysis: An in-depth interview to determine the specific needs of the company (client), and identify the requirements needed to perform the job, including; background, work experience, and industry training. At this time, we will also determine the urgency to make this hire. A fee agreement that details the amount of the service charge and terms should be agreed upon before continuing on with the process.

Selling your Company: We need your help to determine how to present your company and the opportunity. How do we recruit the top candidate from your competitors? What can you offer a top candidate who is presently working and happy where he/she is? (This is not just a monetary answer.)

Market Research: We will conduct research to identify potential companies where this individual could be. You (client) need to inform us of any companies in which there may be a hands-off policy, and (in addition) any companies you specifically want us to recruit from.

Weekly Review: Our recruiters need to communicate with you (the client) on a weekly basis to keep you informed on the status of the search, and receive any changes in the search parameters.

Recruiting: We will actively call into targeted companies to locate individuals that have the described skills, duties, and responsibilities needed to fill this position. We will identify and contact between 50 to 100 potential candidates and narrow the field to 3 to 5 actual candidates. We will determine if they can do the job, and that they are willing and able to resign from their current job for the right opportunity. This individual typically is not actively looking to make a change and must be recruited.

Candidate Interviews: Each of the final candidates will be extensively interviewed to determine if they have the skills, experience, and abilities to meet the needs of the client. We will also determine if the personal goals of the candidate can be met through the client’s opportunity. We will probe for any potential problems that could prevent resignation and acceptance of a new position.

Present Candidates: We will present only the candidates that have passed our extensive interviewing process. These candidates will be qualified and ready to make a career change for the right opportunity.

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